I'm pretty sarcastic. Hmmmmmm, is that the first sentence I am going to use to describe myself? I guess so. I have been every form of most personalities that I have come in contact with. I tend to be a......., what's the word I'm looking for.... lets just say.......adaptable. I can adapt to any person I come into contact with and still say "I am myself". I get self conscious when people start minding my business, but I like it when people show an interest in my life, so obviously, I'm weird and can't make up my mind & the natural thing to do is start start a blog and share my innermost thoughts, opinions and annoyances right? Well- I guess we will see. I have a sort of malfunction with my "follow through" gene or I would have finished the book I started writing when I was 9 years old, and the quilt I started when my youngest was still in a crib, and the oil change I've supposed to be getting on my car for quite some time, and... well you get the idea. Be aware these posts may come few and far between. Today I got the itch to let myself out of the fence I've built around me. Its like when you see a movie about "Solo Synchronized Swimming',...( I think that was a real game at this years Olympics) or something else you would never dream of doing,... and come out of the theater wanting to be the next Solo Synchronized Swimming' Olympic Champion. You know what I mean...
If you are reading this on Myspace then be aware that the war raging in my head has come to an end and I have decided that it is OK to allow people that actually know me, that see me every day, that may have thought that I am incapable of such an outlet, to get inside this cranium o mine. No fears right? This is quite possibly the therapy I need to break the brick wall I live behind and hear from others that are just as anti-social as I am. Anti social is probably not the best wording I can use. I CAN be very social and mix in with any crowd. Usually that will have to involve a few alcohol treats... but only until I am sure you are not a fake ass. Fake people irritate me. If you have a question, ask it. I might need a moment (or a week) to think it through but I will come back with an answer that is totally real. I'm not a person who has all of my thoughts and opinions on the tip of my tongue. I need to think it through. I don't tell lies for bullshits sake. If you are speaking to me in person and it seems I look at you like you are some kind of moron, please, please forgive me, that is not how I intend to come across, that is just my complicated thought process at work & I haven't figured out how to rattle off an answer that pleases you but still reflects my actual thoughts on the subject. I will work on this. Just be aware I am not trying to please everyone. Many things I say will not please you. I don't need comments that reflect that but I am aware they will be there. I have something in me that wants to please everyone, I will work on this also because I know it isn't healthy. I analyze everything that comes out of my mouth at a later date and I hate doing that so I tend to not say much. Like I said at the start of this thing... Maybe this is my outlet.... Maybe not.........
This took me like 75 1/2 years to get this ready for posting so I would appreciate any feedback (be kind please) and thank you to the ones that have inspired me.... I will probably delete this as soon as I realize what I am getting myself into
2 weeks ago
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